There’s a cover story in the LA Weekly about the “Hollywood Country” scene.. go read it.. it’s interesting. It seems skewed to me and maybe a little misinformed. If you think Mr. Whiteside got anything wrong.. or if you see the scene in a different light, maybe you’d like to drop a line to the editor.. be nice…

LA Weekly “Hollywood Country”

Send a Letter to the Editor of the Weekly.

I feel like I’ve done more than my share to help the local scene and that anyone who bothered to be around me for a few minutes would figure that out. No matter how wild and rude I get onstage at Sweethearts, my heart is still with the artists in this town. They know the deal. If someone doesn’t get the joke, that’s their problem.

Also Johnny Whiteside’s email is… Let him know what you want, but let’s not harrass him. He’s got a right to say what he wants, even if he never bothered to ask me about any of his accusations. Remember, a letter to the editor says more than a rant to Johnny, but if you wanna send him your letter too.. feel free.. it’s America, right?

I love you all and I love all the artists in the article. If anyone in this town could get ahead.. it’d make me pretty damn happy. I’m glad to see someone get press, even if I take some lumps in the process. If Johnny Whiteside wants to talk to me, cool.. I’m around. If he doesn’t… like Hank said, “He can kiss my ass.”