Yo, forgot to mention that I mostly update my myspace page these days. But I’m working on a new look for this one…

Here’s the myspace, anyone can look at it, you don’t have to log in or join or anything…



I read this and I don’t have answers for a complex issue like horse slaughter. If you wanna read the whole thing, go to CNN over here… But Willie said some beautiful things that sum up a lot of what I fee about horses. I’ve pulled some of my favorite things.

By Willie Nelson
Special to CNN

AUSTIN, Texas (CNN) — Will Rogers said, “You know horses are smarter than people. You never heard of a horse going broke betting on people.”

Horses are all the things a truly evolved human should be. There are countless examples of their innate ability and desire to heal people.

The most superhuman thing about horses is the contrast between their unearthly strength and inherent gentleness. Humans abuse their power while horses use theirs only for good. I’d rather be a horse.

With no disrespect to the eagle, I’ve always thought that the horse should be our national emblem. When horse accepted man onto his back and chose to carry his burdens, it changed the world. Horses have aided mankind through his most arduous and treacherous endeavors, from the sword to the plowshare. Humanity owes an incalculable debt to the horse. In Native American teachings, Horse enables shamans to fly through the air and reach heaven. To steal someone’s horse is to steal their power.

If there’s anything better than this… I don’t know what it is…

That’s little “bama” rockin’ some old school country punk rock. Right out of Arizona. We have the coolest (and shortest) friends.

Well, we’re all headed to Nashville. If you’re in town, this should be a cool night. I get to play with my favorite songwriters. I am one lucky guy.

Yo, my email is funky for the next couple of days… if you sent anything Wed, the 2nd of aug, til Friday the 4th… resend if I don’t answer. bryson@snakehandlersmusic.com might work. Peace…

Say what you want about LA people but y’all braved the driving sprinkles to come sell out the Mint and raise a little money for the folks down South… thanks, it was a blast.